How can a district deliver on the promise of technology for learning?
To gain all the advantages of a digital transformation, a district must embrace modern student outcomes and create both digital and human platforms for ongoing improvement. Digital transformation is not a one-time event, but a process of adapting technology and classroom practice to the ever-changing needs of learners.
Have you noticed that some school improvement initiatives have impact while others don’t improve student outcomes?
Student Agency is the key! When students have the motivation and ability to take ownership of their learning, outcomes improve dramatically.
Students with agency are more likely to learn deeply and to demonstrate the persistence that is emblematic of grit and growth mindset. They are more likely to enjoy their school work and be happier.
Student Agency can’t be taught, but it can be fostered by teachers who have mastered agentic learning and know how to support student autonomy, competence and relatedness.
Document. Share. Learn
Our REFLECT app provides a convenient way to document teacher experiences that can be used to inform their own learning process on their way to becoming masters of continuous improvement.
A convenient Dashboard provides individual and aggregated data by content area, grade level, and classroom that can inform the teacher, school or even district continuous improvement process.

We offer consulting services to help districts with strategic planning, professional development planning, visioning and goal setting, implementation, continuous improvement, data-informed leadership and instruction, and other aspects of implementing a digitally transformed district.
Formal Improvement Process
We work with districts to implement Reflect and develop a Formal Improvement System that fits their circumstances. We help activate student agency by first activating teacher agency.
Leadership Coaching
We provide coaching for district administrators and building leaders in creating environments that support a culture of continuous improvement and agentic, self-organizing teams with breakthrough performance.
Teacher Professional Development
We provide professional development for teachers to learn how to prepare for teaching in a digitally transformed environment, including creating a culture of continuous improvement and effectively implementing student-centric pedagogies including Project Based Learning, Inquiry, and others in the classroom.
Pre- and Post- Assessment
Before and After. We help districts measure their level of readiness and performance in implementing digital transformation and improving student outcomes including academic performance, workforce skills, and agency.
We offer workshops in visioning, implementing continuous improvement, setting student outcome and strategic goals, fostering and recognizing student agency in the classroom, fostering teacher agency, and more.
We certify teachers, principals, and districts as Digital-Transformation-Ready
Transformation-Ready districts have educators who have the tools and skills to transform learning using technology, use data-informed instructional practices, and constantly enhance their practice through a culture of continuous improvement. Transformation-Ready district and building leaders have the tools and skills to foster breakthrough performance on their teams, use data-informed decision making practices, and create a district-wide culture of continuous improvement.
We certify teachers, principals, and districts as Agentic
Agentic districts use research based tools to improve student motivation and meta-cognition, fostering both the skill and the will for optimal performance. These districts use agency as the authentic measure of whether their digital transformation initiatives are working to their full potential.